Tag: Paul
How Powerful is the Enemy?
Just how powerful is the Enemy? How do believers fight the works of Satan? The most important thing that the Bible tells us about Satan is that He is defeated. Jesus, after sending the seventy out to do the work of the kingdom, says “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” (Luke 10:18) The…
Boasting in Jesus
We are wrapping up our 7 Minutes a Day series in Galatians today. Paul finishes up the letter by challenging the believers to walk out grace in a few specific areas of their daily lives. Read Galatians 6 1. He starts by telling them to walk together in this life of grace, bearing one anthers…
The Anti 12 Step Plan
We left off with Paul showing the futility of adding works to Christ, attempting to gain the favor of God. Now he is giving the Galatians the secret to success as a Christian. Don’t miss it! Read Galatians 5:16-26. Wait a second! Where is the 12-step plan? Where is the formula? Again Paul uses the…
Jesus + ? = Success
Yesterday, we examined Galatians 5:1-15 in our 7 Minutes a Day series. Paul actually advocated that the false teachers in Galatia not only circumcise themselves, but to go the whole way to castration. He was exposing the error of their thinking. For a refresher, have a look at yesterday’s post. I left off mentioning that…
Cut Off What?!? Galatians 5:1-15
If you have been following the 7 Minutes a Day Series, you know that the issue Paul is dealing with in Galatians is a false teaching of Jesus + circumcision. According to these false teachers, it was the secret to the successful Christian life. It is into this situation that Paul writes his letter to…