Tag: salvation
Better Than Jesus?
What could be better than Jesus? Jesus himself said something, or rather someone is better. In John 16:7 He says, “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But, if I go I will send him to you.”…
How Much is Too Much
When dealing with the topics of grace and holiness, eventually the question of “how much is too much comes up.” I’ve spoken before about how much grace is too much grace. The flip side is how much sin is too much sin? We are accustomed to hearing preachers rail against certain kinds of sin. We…
A Cautious Grace
Whenever you tell someone you speak and write about grace, they are quick to offer cautions. Grace must be kept in balance. “You don’t want sloppy agape or cheap grace now do you?” Oh yes, well watch out for so and so, he is dangerous… Grace is treated as though it is radioactive material moments…
The Dilemma of Missions
As missionaries, we often report statistics as a way of conveying the impact we are having. Numbers of salvations, people taught, clinics opened, or people rescued from the evils of society. Behind these numbers are people, stories, and often difficulties. One the people we’ve been training, recently had an interesting situation which drove this reality…
Are People Good?
We see countless headlines about the athlete who took drugs, denied it, then when he got caught says, “I’ve made mistakes.” Politicians are caught in immorality, acknowledge their failures only to get re-elected in a few years. Why are we surprised when they mess up again? We want to point the finger of blame. “I’m…