Tag: sin
Have I Committed the Unforgivable Sin?
This series on NoSuperHeroes deals with the Top Questions I receive in my Grace Seminars. Come back each day to see how we can answer our questions without changing the message of Grace! Top Question: Have I Committed the Unforgivable Sin, “Blaspheming the Holy Spirit”? Have you ever found yourself fearing that you or someone you…
Which Came First? Work or Sin
Did work happen before or after the Fall of man? Is it a result of sin? God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden and gave them dominion over all that He had created (Gen. 1:26). To have dominion indicates rulership and stewardship, or the ability to make things better. Genesis 2:5 tells us that…
Racism is more than Black or White
We have friends who have a South African woman come once a week to help out with the children. They recently went on furlough and wanted to keep this woman employed during their trip. They arranged for her to help with another couple’s children. Recently we learned this woman refused to come and help. The family…
The Missing Link
You’ve heard of the missing link? Maybe he or she is looking back at you in the mirror! It has been my experience that we often have a missing link or disconnect in our Christian lives. I see this disconnect in discipleship where people are passionate for one cause and blind on a very similar…
Do We Protect our Kids from the Bible?
How do we inspire a love for the Bible in our children, while dealing with its dark side? The people, events, and stories reflects topics we might not be ready to talk to our kids about. We read a Children’s Bible to our kids as well as allowing them to listen the NIV Audio Bible…