Tag: work
Valued for More Than Their Money
There is a subtle mindset which can creep into our thinking as missionaries and social activists. We can begin to think that there are those who are called to go, and those who are called to give. Jesus himself said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the…
In Today’s World Can We Rest?
People now sleep 2 1/2 fewer hours each night compared to people from one hundred years ago. The average office worker has 36 hours of work piled up on his or her desk. It takes three hours a week just to sort through it and find what we need. We spend eight months of our…
Which Came First? Work or Sin
Did work happen before or after the Fall of man? Is it a result of sin? God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden and gave them dominion over all that He had created (Gen. 1:26). To have dominion indicates rulership and stewardship, or the ability to make things better. Genesis 2:5 tells us that…
Promoting Balanced Lives in your Team
Half of American workers hate their jobs! That is shocking! I believe we can improve the enjoyment of our teams by promoting balanced lives coupled with creating a team environment and being concerned with their growth. Too often workers dislike their jobs because the road to success come through overworking. Workers need to be challenged and pushed, but…