UNBLOGGER: An interview with Darrell Vesterfelt

Today, NoSuperHeroes welcomes Darrell Vesterfelt, president of Prodigal Magazine.

Darrell recently published an Ebook entitled [amazon_link id=”B00CQ5C52S” target=”_blank” ]UNBLOGGER: Discovering the Power of Story in a ‘How-To’ World[/amazon_link] which core message will resonate with the NoSuperHeroes audience.


NoSuperHeroes: Darrell, tell us a little about yourself.

Darrell: I am just a normal guy. In the past couple of years, I have decided that I wanted a little more out of life. With my wife, I started an online publication called Prodigal Magazine. We have had some fun and success running this platform, taking it to over 100,000 monthly readers.dvest

NoSuperHeroes: What is the heart behind “UNBLOGGER”?

Darrell: I wrote UNBLOGGER for a younger version of myself. It is what I wish I would have known about blogging when I started. I used to think blogging would be the thing which made me rich or successful. I worked feverishly for those terrible motives and never achieved them. I was so fed up, that one day I just quit my blog. Shut it down completely, after years. I needed to make sure I was doing it for the right reasons. Blogging is an overflow of life and our story. If our story is self-absorbed with motives of notoriety, we live meaningless. I found my life meaning when I quit blogging. I become an UNBLOGGER.

NoSuperHeroes: Even if someone is not a blogger, how could they benefit from this message?

Darrell: Everyone has a story worth sharing, even if they don’t blog. UNBLOGGER really hits at that point. Find meaning in the story you are living.

NoSuperHeroes: If you would want to leave the audience of NoSuperHeroes with one thought, what would it be?

Darrell: You were made to live a story worth sharing. Sometimes it is a matter of simply discovering that story, or beginning to live your life in an intentional way, but the choice is yours. If you aren’t proud of your story you have the choice to begin living with meaning. It’s not easy, but it’s a series of simple choices.

NoSuperHeroes: Thanks so much for your time Darrell, keep up the good work!

I enjoyed the message of UNBLOGGER and the connection with the message of grace. God tells us we do not have to be superheroes to succeed but rather can be ordinary people used by Him to do extra ordinary things.

Whether you blog or work a traditional 9 to 5 job, grace allows us to be real, authentic people representing the message of grace to a world which is tired of trying to measure up to ever-changing standards. Grace gives us our identity, freeing us to be others focused, rather than advancing our own agenda.

Please take a look at all the great work Darrell and his wife, Ally, do over at Prodigal. Also, pick up a copy of UNBLOGGER. Whether you blog or not, the challenges apply to our journeys.

[amazon_image id=”B00CQ5C52S” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]UNBLOGGER: Discovering the Power of Story in a ‘How-To’ World[/amazon_image]

To see more of what Darrell is up to, you can connect via  Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin



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