

People are Valuable.

Many of the hot issues in today’s society come down to a misunderstanding of the unique and special image of God on humans.

Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created man and woman in the image of God. This gives humans the highest place in God’s created order. They are the most valuable thing on the planet.

Trees, plants, and animals all have value, but what separates them is that they do not bear the image of God.

If we walked in this truth, how would the following issues change?

1. Sanctity of Life. Abortion and Euthanasia are issues that come from not applying this truth. God values the young and old alike. We are able to express this care for mothers who choose to keep their babies. When the church helps with health care and education costs, they value life.

2. Women’s rights. Christianity is one of the few religions to see women as equal. We need to walk this out in the workplace and promote this truth in nations which treat women as property; often persecuting and killing them.

1 Timothy 2:11 and 1 Corinthians 11,14 are passages which seem to prohibit women from doing things, when in fact they promote the education of women and their involvement in the church. These letters were written in the male dominated society of the first century which regarded women as property.

Paul was radical in pushing the society of the day closer to a standard of equality based on equally bearing the image of God.

3. Immigration issues – Regardless of passport, people are valuable. This issue cannot be discussed without this fact in mind.

Even in simple everyday ways we can walk in this truth.

How do we treat others while we are driving?
Do we value people to answer their emails quickly?
Do we listen to people or do we value our cellphone more?

Humanity is the crown jewel of God’s creation, we bear His very breath. We can honor this truth in the big and small ways we treat one another


Make a list of all the ways you can support the sanctity of life.

Think of examples starting before a child is born throughout their life.

Think of how you can support this value in the care of the elderly or handicapped.


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If we had a greater revelation of others as bearing the image of Christ, how would this change the way we treat each other?

This post is one in a series of devotionals which were published in La Biblia Del Discipulo (The Discipleship Bible), which is a Spanish language Bible. For more information on the Bible, please visit :

The E-Version is also available for IPads or mobile devices. Copyright 2011.





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