
Here is a list of the following publications I have available:

Death of the Modern Superhero:How Grace Breaks our Rules

New Book Cover

Published in 2011.

This book explores societies pressure for us to be bigger, better, faster and stronger.

We often take this pressure into our Christianity, falling into the trap of performance and striving, only to collapse in exhaustion.

Grace breaks the rules society says are true. See how to live in the freedom of grace


Never Enough: A Devotional through the book of Galatians
A section by section look at the book of Galatians with application points. My Ebook is available for free to those who sign up to receiving blog post in their Inbox.

United We Build: Creating a Team Culture
This offering details how we build a long-lasting team and gives principles for you to do the same.

La Biblia Del Discipulo

I published a series of devotionals which in La Biblia Del Discipulo (The Discipleship Bible), which is a Spanish language Bible. For more information on the Bible, please visit : http://www.bibliadeldiscipulo.com.

The E-Version is also available for IPads or mobile devices. Copyright 2011.